To come into a sustainable creative flow, you have to balance your yin and yang, your outward projection to the world and your internal needs - the masculine and feminine within.

The idea that all of us possess both masculine and feminine qualities is not a new concept but rather, the ancient wisdom of various belief systems around the world from China, India, Egypt and more.

In Biofield Tuning, the right side of the solar plexus is associated with our father and the left side with our mother. Above our heads is the Sun star and below are feet is the Earth star. They are the battery points of our energy flow.

I “see” this flow of energy. The Sun shines down positive ions into our bodies while we draw up negative ions from the Earth. Often in a sound therapy session I’ll see the Sun’s energy primarily flowing into the right side of the body while the Earth’s flows into the left. They mingle and recirculate through our body via the spine & the various chakras where nerves concentrate & glands are found.

You can look at the positive and negative charges from the Sun and Earth in archetypal and symbolic ways: Father|Mother, how we project vs how we receive, masculine|feminine. These characteristics are energies that we all possess and can harmonise within, regardless of the reproductive organs we were born with - although those do affect our internal rhythms.

To me, the Sun and the Earth are the same energy in different tones - an energy of expansion with different textures, almost like the same musical note in different octaves.

When our masculine and feminine qualities are balanced, regardless of what our biology may be, we draw on these energetic qualities with ease and come into creative flow.

To balance your masculine & feminine side I recommend:

  • Nadi shodhana pranayama (Alternate nostril breathing)

  • My micro meditation soundtrack for Masculine-Feminine Balance

  • Looking at the diagram above and reflecting on which you possess, feel stronger or weaker?

Vanessa Fernandez